Monday 1 July 2013

Underpass plan would remove the existing maze crossing

Despite its age, Marion is among the most pleasant and safe of our local stations, with a grade separated overpass nearest the school and a maze crossing at ground level at the northern end of the platform.  
The maze crossing is preferred to the overpass by many residents – particularly those with mobility issues who struggle with lengthy slopes and stairs associated with overpasses (or underpasses). The current plan would remove the ground level crossing at the northern end of the platform, leaving an underpass as the single means of crossing the rail line for all pedestrians – including school children.
By contrast, nearby Ascot Park has a single underpass. It lacks a level crossing because the geography does not allow it. While rail users are separated from moving trains, they are subject to personal assault and harassment in the underpass. The Ascot Park underpass is persistently dirty, a frequent target for vandals, and generally feels unsafe.  Tragically a young man was accidentally killed by a train while jumping off the platform to cross the tracks in order to avoid using the underpass.

Interestingly, the recent upgrade to modernise Oaklands station involved installing gated at-level crossings and removing the underpass.

Despite its age our current station is one of the more pleasant and safe of our local stations. Photo taken from southern end near the overpass, soon to be removed.


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