Sunday 30 June 2013

An OERA member responds

Posting this comment on behalf of an OERA member:

We definitely DON"T want an underpass.  They are most unsafe especially at night and we often catch the train into the city. I also would not like to be on my own entering the underpass. They become dismal, dirty and frequently smell of stale urine, and tend eventually to be treated as large rubbish bins.

What do you think?
Use the comments box or respond to and we'll post on your behalf.

1 comment:

  1. I have just had a phone call from Patrick Conlon's Office in response to my notification of the removal of roadside guttering today at the site of the proposed underpass. The staffer advised me that Mr Conlon has managed to get a hold on the underpass project! The work today happened as the hold hadn't filtered through yet.
    (Marion Resident)
